Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Who says you can't save $120 a month??

I'd say its time for another post.  Really nothing new going on with our adoption.  We are all ready as far as the paperwork...and now we are just waiting for our approved copy of the homestudy!  We are very anxious. 
Next step is another payment.  So starting to get a little more strapped for cash and no upcoming fundraisers, we have sat down and made major adjustments to our daily living.
* We've eliminated going out to eat. 
*We're selling the unneccessary items within our house. 
* We've read over every bill we receive.  We found 2 bills that we could lower just by making a simple phone call.
            1. Our cable tv bill showed a $45 fee for HBO and Showtime Cinema, which are channels that we never watch.   In addition we were getting charged $8.00 a month for our second tv and $6.00 a month for the rental of our 2nd tv equipment.  The second tv is in our bedroom and we have only ever turned it on once or twice at the most.  So that to us was $14 a month that we could be saving just by eliminating a second tv and $45 just by getting rid of a few channels we didnt realize we were being charged extra for.
            2.  We use the cheap straight talk phones from walmart.  One phone has the 1000 minute 1000 text plan and the other has unlimited, an extra $15 a month.  We looked at our monthly usage and realized we would be safe with both phones having the 1000 minute 1000 text plan.  $15 savings a month.  Considering starting our magic jack phone service back up to eliminate a cell phone in its entirity. 
*We found a local lady who was making cloth diapers for extra income to her family. I am not a fan of changing messy panties so this really wasnt an option.....UNTIL....I calculated the savings. Our youngest daughter, 15 months, is pretty much on a schedule with her "messy" diapers. So we thought if we can eliminate 3 diapers a day by using the cloth diaper, that would be a savings of 90 diapers a month, over one jumbo box of diapers....$24.99. We still are using disposable for when we go places and in the mornings when we know a messy one is coming!  Can't believe we didnt do this soon...absolutely LOVE it, LOVE the savings, and think our little girl looks absolutely adorable in them! 
Our oldest daughter, still wears pull ups at night because she sleeps so sound that she doesnt wake herself up.  So our next step is to purchase a set for her too.  Pay $7.00 to eliminate a pack of pull ups a month as well.  $19.99. 
So all these savings = a total monthly savings of ....  $118.98      SCORE!!!!!! 
$118.98 more that we dont have to ask for to go towards our next payment!  And for that we are grateful and beyond blessed!  


  1. You have done such an awesome job at cutting your bills. God will bless you for all your hard work.

  2. Can you get me the info for the lady that makes the diapers?
