Tuesday, September 17, 2013

There's this girl....

So there's this girl, she was much younger than me in church growing up and God used her to speak to me today!  We aren't facebook friends, no particular reason why not, but just because we aren't. Our paths haven't really ever crossed because of the age difference and being in a large church... sad, but it's true!  I didn't know everyone well at our church back then. 
Just so happens today, a friend of hers and a facebook friend of mine, liked one of her statuses.  And it showed up on my facebook newsfeed.  I skipped over it a few times because it didnt really mean much to me that she liked her status.  But something pulled me in AND THIS IS WHAT IT READ...

A God-given dream or vision does not necessarily mean immediate action. Sometimes the most difficult thing to do is wait. Paul tells us in Philippians 2:13 that "it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His purpose." God places desires in our hearts for a beautiful purpose. Waiting for God to move us can lead us to His greatest blessings and plans for our lives.

This is exactly what I talked about in the last blog post.  I have such a big desire and heart for this and it was breaking my heart in a million pieces to have to say put us on hold for now.  Made me really wonder, "why?  Why is my heart soooo open to this and it's just not falling into place?"  And this reminded me, God IS still speaking to us.  He still is leading us to His will, we just have to be patient.  When it is our turn we will be rewarded more than I can even imagine! 
Looking at pictures today on facebook of another area couple who just returned home with their babies, gets me even more anxious, more hurt, more ready and even more willing to say "YES LORD!"  Ashalyn was looking with me and she says "Mom, when can we get a brother or sister from there?" It's like her heart is growing too!  God is preparing ALL of us for this! 
Nicholas is the step person.  He sees all the steps that need to be taken to get where we are going and he is working so hard to get us there!  Extra money through an extra job.  Tips at work go straight to a bill.  And we sat down together last night figuring what all needs taken care of to get to that point!  I'm more of a jump in and get there fast person!  Which is not right in this situation.  It makes it sooo tough...but thank you Jesus for using this much younger and much wiser girl to speak to me today!
You never cease to amaze me!

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