Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mailbox Diversity

So today the girls received a little bit of culture in the mailbox. Last week I ordered some African baby dolls from a lady here in the States who is originally from Africa. Our girls have several caucasion babydolls, an African American and an Asian baby. The thing I love about this experience is that the girls have never once asked questions about their skin differences or the appearance of their eyes or hair. To them it's just a normal everyday thing. I LOVE THAT! So often in today's society you hear comments about different races, with many stereotypes labeling the different cultures. Our playroom consists of a globe and play items of many different diversities. Kynzie is too young yet to really notice the differences and similiarities but Ashalyn absolutely loves getting the globe off the shelf and talk about different places. We discuss how we would have to get to Africa or China or Ukraine. First it started out by her thinking we could get there by boat. Makes sense in the mind of a 3 year old who has never flown in an airplane and travels to our family lakehouses to boat on a regular basis. But what I love most about this...throughout the day when playing with the other children I babysit for, I hear her say things like, "my brother and sister live in Africa. It's far far away. We will go see them someday." As far as the babydolls, the babies they play with most are the ones of different character traits than their own. I've never pointed out the differences in particular but we talk all the time about her favorite song..."Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red, Brown, Yellow, Black or white. They are precious in His sight. Jesus loves all the children of the world.
Right now, we have absolutely no idea what is planned for our family. Currently we are working on our domestic homestudy. Our international is on hold at this point with immigration. Who knows how long that's going to take. Seems like we have been on a standstill for that for months. It's a bit discouraging but at the same time exciting that our domestic is rolling as quickly as it is. I KNOW that God has huge plans for our family. One day we WILL travel to Africa to pick up our babies there! Whether now or ten years from now, only God knows! While we wait, we pray for all the children who will join our family! If while we wait God chooses us to be parents to a state waiting child or a newborn adoption AWESOME!!!! OUr doors, hearts and arms are wide open at this point! We have said, "Yes God!" and if he plans on us becoming the "Rice family Duggers" I couldnt be more willing! 5,8, 10 even 14! I prayed last night, "Lord, whatever you want from us, use us! Use us however you desire." With that being said, we cannot wait to see where we will be. While we wait for our upcoming trip to Africa and on immigration. We are also on the wait list for an adoption within the United States. We want a huge family and if anyone were to ask us to raise their baby or child you better believe we will be praying for that opportunity and if that's where God leads us than how awesome is that? I cannot wait to see what's in store for us! The girls were so excited to open the box of babies and couldnt have been happier!

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