Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Our story in the life of a blog!

Blogging has never been my strong suit.  I'm very long winded but type and then delete most the time.   However I am really feeling the urge to blog again but with a new blog sight.  Our previous blog was started with the intentions to journal my first pregnancy!  Nothing of major context other than that of what your "typical" family has to blog about.  The pregnancy of our daughter Ashalyn was perfect.  Our first baby girl was in our arms and we blogged about the everyday happenings of spit up, first smile, to first words.  It was a cute little blog for 3 months!  After those 3 months I learned I was pregnant again, super excited but very nervous for our two children to be so close in age, especially since mommy hood was all new to me! 
The second pregnancy got blogged about but not near as much as the first.  I was not super mom yet and not near capable of trying to blog and keep up with household chores and the responsibility of a beautiful baby girl.  As we neared the final days of pregnancy number 2 I blogged much more.  She was born and all together I stopped blogging.  Not because I wasn't proud because believe me, she was just as beautiful as our first.  But she was so much more perfect! 
Now you're probably asking how in the world can a mother say her second born was more perfect than any of her other children?!?  I say that with 100% truth in that matter.  My second born was born sleeping at 8.5 months gestation.  A car accident with trauma to my stomach claimed the life of our second born.  In my world, she would of been more perfect if awake...but being a Christian I know without a doubt that my baby girl is flawless in a world of no hurt, no pain and no tears! Blogging stopped because I wasn't ready to face the world. I wasnt ready to share my thoughts and by far wasnt ready to show my weaknesses to people I didn't know. A long lost friend, previous co worker, found me on facebook and asked me my story. She had seen pictures I posted of me holding my sweet baby. And she asked me to share my story, she said that I should blog about it. So I began to blog about the life of my baby girl, Miranda Lyn. Days went by, months and years. Blogging was my out. I soon found myself meeting other women who shared somewhat similiar stories. And as that time went I miscarried and then carried my little miracle baby. Another baby girl, born "perfect" in the worldly manner. 10 fingers, 10 toes and beautiful!! Our two living children are the lights of our world. But our family is not complete. We tried again...and again....both resulting in miscarriages due to the previous trauma to my uterus. Saddened to find that for me to carry another child I'd be placed at a high risk pregnancy. But I am not one to dwell on that. My God is so big! My God provides alternatives!! And with just that He placed many opportunities before us to be wtih children. And He placed the biggest and most burning desires in our hearts! That desire that led us straight to the path of Adoption! We know we would like a big family. However many God chooses for us. And we know without a doubt that adoption is the way for us. We are open to all races and gender and pretty open to all ages. Whereever God leads us to we are ready to say, "Yes! Yes God!!" So with that being said..this blog is about our adoption process. It's about parenting our little ones and getting them accostumed to whatever situation will be placed before us. Whether its a cross cultural experience or a matter within our very own families, a newborn infant, twins/triplets or even octuplets! Maybe even a teen mom who just needs a little guidence! Whatever it is, our prayer is that the Lord uses us! That he protects our family as a whole and guides us into His direction!! So please feel free to join us on this super exciting journey!!!! :-) The Rice journey of a lifetime!!

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