Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bringing Home an Orphan by helping a widow and the chance to win $250 in gas!

Those that our following our blog know that we've been praying about something exciting!!  The time has come for us to share our vision! 

I've been following a blog of Lifesong for Orphans.  And one thing they do is a program called "Both Hands", which after reading this I realized this is a complete God thing.  Because the two verses he's laid most upon our hearts in all this are...

James 1:27 Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. 


Deuteronomy 14: 28-29 At the end of every third year, bring the entire tithe of that year's harvest and store it in the nearest town. Give it to the Levites, who will receive no allotment of land among you, was well as to the foreigners living among you, the orphans and the widows in your towns, so they can eat and be satisfied. Then the Lord will bless you in all your work."

With those two verses in mind, and through lots of prayer...God gave us the vision of doing this together as a family.  We are inviting others to join Nick and I one Saturday a month til our babies come home to help the widows of our church and community...whether through visiting, taking meals, lawn care, whatever! We want to invite you to help us bring joy to the days of our widows.  If you don't feel this is for you or you don't want to be part of our team, then we invite you to PRAYERFULLY  "sponser us" financially on this journey so that we can in return care for the orphans God has chosen for our family.  And we also invite EVERYONE to pray for us...pray for our journey...pray for our hearts! And maybe even pray for our mission
Bringing Home an Orphan by Helping a Widow!   

We have applied for grants for the remainder of our adoption process but there are so many families who also desire to be part of God's plan and on the same journey as our family.  So if we can raise all our funds on our own that would be wonderful.  The chunk of money needed is extremely large, but  by God's grace and with the help of our friends/family/church family I know we can do this.  YES, God is that AWESOME!!!! 

Our shirts we got for this journey.  (Msg me if u're interested in a shirt.)

If any of you feel that in your heart you would like to help in this process in anyway...please contact either of us and we'd be more than glad to have you get involved. 

And there's more exciting news....
Anyone who sponsors us financially (by clinking on the donate button to the side) will be entered into our giveaway for a $250 Gas Card!   
 Every $5.00 donated = 1 entry
Sharing our blog on your facebook, twitter and google accounts = 1 entry
(must message us and let us know you shared it for it to count!)
Drawing will be held June 26th!

AND in ALL seriousness....
This will not all be possible without your prayers!!  So PLEASE if you cannot help in any other way...PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE... REMEMBER US IN PRAYER! 

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